Essential processes for the quality of Bella Terra products

Essential processes for the quality of Bella Terra products

The food industry is full of processes carried out to ensure the safety and quality of its products. To enable excellence in its pulps and juices, the Bella Terra brand, present in the tropical fruit market since 1992, has been constantly improving its production process to guarantee even greater safety and quality.

Check out each stage of our work:

Reception and cleaning

The fruits received are selected so that those unfit for consumption are discarded. This step guarantees the quality of pulps and juices. Then, the fruits are washed and sanitized in chlorinated water.


The already selected and sanitized fruits are pulped, separating the skins and seeds from the pulp and juice.

Pulp and juice go through the refinement process during centrifugation.

Centrifuged pulp and juice undergo pasteurization.

The pasteurization process is essential for the reduction and elimination of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Pasteurization guarantees shelf life, increasing the shelf life of the product.


Filling is carried out in double LDPE plastic bags with nozzle, food grade, packed in drums and steel sheets.


Then, storage is carried out in cold rooms so that the product maintains its quality at temperatures lower than -18°C, preserving its shelf life.


Finally, all batches produced are analyzed under the most rigorous quality standards to guarantee the physical-chemical and microbiological excellence of the products. Therefore, only pulps and juices of guaranteed excellence are destined for our customers.

Do you want to understand better how we can ensure all this quality for you and your business? Click here and talk to us!


We optimize your business’s production process.

With a privileged location, Bella Terra has easy access to the main commercial routes, both for transport within the national territory and for exports via the Port of Santos.

Request your quote
+55 18 3725 1200
Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros, Km653. CEP 17910-000 - Caixa postal 85 - Dracena/SP