Discover our products.

  • Acerola

    Pulp NFC
    Juice Concentrate
    Concentrated Cloudy
    Concentrated Clarified

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  • Green Acerola
    Green Acerola

    Concentrated Cloudy
    Concentrated Clarified

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  • Guava

    Pulp NFC
    Juice Concentrate

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  • Mango

    Pulp NFC
    Juice Concentrate
    Concentrated Cloudy
    Concentrated Clarified

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  • Passion fruit
    Passion fruit

    Pulp NFC
    Juice Concentrate
    Concentrated Cloudy
    Concentrated Clarified

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  • Pineapple

    Pulp NFC
    Juice Concentrate
    Concentrated Cloudy
    Concentrated Clarified

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  • Strawberry

    Pulp NFC
    Juice Concentrate

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  • Watermelon

    Concentrated juice
    Ultrafiltered concentrated juice

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raw materials are available all year round.

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Green Acerola
Passion fruit

Harvest periods may vary according to weather conditions.



Acerola is the most common and widely recognized form of this tropical fruit. When it reaches full maturity, the acerola develops a vibrant, red color, indicating its readiness for harvest.

Acerola is appreciated for its sweet and acidic flavor, as well as being known for being an excellent source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. This variety of acerola is often used in the production of juices, pulps and other food products due to its nutritional profile and versatility in cooking.

Technical information


Pulp NFC → Brix min 6
Juice Concentrate → Brix 20
Concentrated Cloudy → Brix 65
Concentrated Clarified → Brix 65


Frozen: Storage at -18ºc


Frozen: Double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums

Green Acerola

Green Acerola

Green acerola stands out for its unique characteristics and nutritional benefits. Unlike mature acerola, green acerola is harvested before reaching full maturity, having a high vitamin C content.

Ideal harvest point

(P1) initial fruit development
(P2) first wave of growth
(P3) integumentary and embryonic development
(P4) globular expansion
(P5) green fruit and higher vitamin C content
(P6) beginning of fruit maturation | (P7) ripe fruit

Technical information


Concentrated Cloudy → Brix 50
Concentrated Clarified → Brix 50


Frozen: Storage at -18ºc


Frozen: Double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums



Guava, a tropical fruit with juicy pulp and a sweet aroma, is a rich source of vitamin C and fiber, promoting digestive health and strengthening the immune system.

In addition to its nutritional value, guava is also versatile in cooking, and can be consumed fresh, in juices, jellies, compotes or even in savory dishes. Its presence is notable in different cultures around the world, being appreciated not only for its flavor, but also for its adaptability in different recipes.

Technical information


Pulp NFC → Brix min 8
Juice Concentrate → Brix 16
Juice Concentrate → Brix 18


Aseptic: Storage at room temperature
Frozen: Storage at -18ºc


Aseptic: Laminated bags packed in steel plate drums
Frozen: Double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums



Mango, an exuberant fruit with a striking flavor, has become one of our favorites in Brazil due to its irresistible combination of sweetness and juiciness, making it a refreshing choice especially in our tropical climate. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, mango not only offers an extraordinary flavor but also contributes to a healthy diet.

In addition to its prestige on the national scene, it has gained international recognition, ranking as one of the main fruits exported by Brazil, behind only bananas, pineapple and avocado. Its presence in global markets reflects the quality and attractiveness of this unique fruit.

Technical information


Pulp NFC → Brix min 13
Juice Concentrate → Brix 28
Concentrated Cloudy → Brix 65
Concentrated Clarified → Brix 65


Aseptic: Storage at room temperature
Frozen: Storage at -18ºc


Aseptic: Laminated bags packed in steel plate drums
Frozen: Double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums

Passion fruit

Passion fruit

Passion fruit, with its wrinkled skin and interior full of seeds surrounded by juicy pulp, is a striking fruit in our tropical landscape. In addition to being appreciated for its unique sweet and sour flavor, passion fruit is also known for its calming and nourishing properties.

In Brazil, passion fruit is cultivated in several regions, mainly in the Northeast, Southeast and Center-West. This versatile fruit is not only consumed fresh, but is also made into juices, pulps, mousses and other delicious products. In addition to its prominent role in cooking, passion fruit is recognized for its nutritional value, being a rich source of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.

Technical information


Pulp NFC → Brix min 12
Juice Concentrate → Brix 50
Concentrated Cloudy → Brix 50
Concentrated Clarified → Brix 50


Aseptic: Storage at room temperature
Frozen: Storage at -18ºc


Aseptic: Laminated bags packed in steel plate drums
Frozen: Double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums



Pineapple is a tropical fruit widely appreciated for its refreshing flavor and juicy characteristics. At Bella Terra Alimentos, we carefully select high-quality pineapples to integrate into our products, offering a unique experience to consumers.

In addition to its delicious flavor, pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese and other essential nutrients. Its natural sweetness and balanced acidity make it a versatile choice, and can be used in juices, pulps, desserts and other culinary creations.

Technical information


Pulp NFC → Brix min 11
Juice Concentrate → Brix 60
Concentrated Cloudy → Brix 60
Concentrated Clarified → Brix 60


Aseptic: Storage at room temperature
Frozen: Storage at -18ºc


Aseptic: Laminated bags packed in steel plate drums
Frozen: Double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums



Originally from colder climates, the strawberry has conquered its space in Brazil and is cultivated in different regions of the country, delighting palates with its intense sweetness and unmistakable aroma.

In our commitment to offering variety and practicality, we present to you our special strawberry products. From our Frozen Pulp, which preserves all the essence of the fruit for use in various recipes, to our Frozen Concentrated Juice, which concentrates the vibrant strawberry flavor in each drop, we provide versatile options to enjoy this fruit in a convenient and delicious way.

Technical information


Pulp NFC → Brix min 6.5
Juice Concentrate → Brix 30


Aseptic: Storage at room temperature
Frozen: Storage at -18ºc


Aseptic: Laminated bags packed in steel plate drums
Frozen: Double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums



Watermelon originates from a creeping plant, with small, yellow flowers. The fruit is characterized by its
red and juicy pulp, surrounded by a glossy green skin.

With a sweet and refreshing flavor, it has become
appreciated all over the world, being mainly consumed in slices and juices

Technical information


Concentrated juice → Brix 40
Concentrated juice → Brix 55
Concentrated juice → Brix 65
Ultrafiltered concentrated juice → Brix 60
Ultrafiltered concentrated juice → Brix 65


Storage at -18ºc


double polyethylene bags in steel plate drums

We optimize your business’s production process.

With a privileged location, Bella Terra has easy access to the main commercial routes, both for transport within the national territory and for exports via the Port of Santos.

Request your quote
+55 18 3725 1200
Rodovia Comandante João Ribeiro de Barros, Km653. CEP 17910-000 - Caixa postal 85 - Dracena/SP